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Search The Agroecosystems Site

Use the Search engine below to get links to pages on this site that contain the designated word or phrase. To highlight a specific word or phrase within a page so listed, go to Find under the Edit menu on your Browser, copy the term into the box, and use the Find and Find Again functions.

This search engine uses a Dalhousie University database which is updated about once a month.



Search Algorithm:
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Search Options

Search Option Value Description
Match All Select pages in which all of your words appear
Any Select pages in which any one or more of your words appear
Boolean Use keywords AND, OR, and NOT (capitals required) to compose a more precise search request
Format Long Results include the URL, page title, and a brief exerpt for each page.
Short Results include just the URL and page title of each page.
Sort by: Score Present results in order how well the pages satisfies the search request (best matches first).
Time Present results in order of when they were last modified (most recent first).
Title Present results in order by title (A-Z)
Reverse Score Present results in reverse order how well the pages satisfies the search request (worst matches first).
Reverse Time Present results in reverse order of when they were last modified (oldest first).
Reverse Title Present results in reverse order by title (Z-A)
Algorithm Exact Each word must match exactly; e.g., a search for "computer" will not match "computers".
Fuzzy Words may match similar words; e.g., a search for "computer" will accept "computers" or "computing".